• 13 ноября 2014, четверг
  • Москва, Ленинские горы, 1, 46, аудитория П3

Мастер-класс Oliver Wyman

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3451 день назад
13 ноября 2014 c 19:00 до 21:00
Ленинские горы, 1, 46, аудитория П3

Oliver Wyman is a leading global management consulting firm that combines deep industry knowledge with specialized expertise in strategy, operations, risk management, and organization transformation. With offices in 50+ cities across 25 countries, Oliver Wyman works with the CEOs and executive teams of the Global 1000 companies.

Some people know precisely the destination they want to reach. Others seek the adventure of exploring uncharted territory. Whatever you want your professional journey to be, you’ll find that Oliver Wyman is an ideal place to start from. 

We invite you to meet Oliver Wyman consultants for an opportunity to learn about consulting, practice problem solving and network with Oliver Wyman Moscow Office team members. 

In the meeting you will: 
• Become acquainted with Oliver Wyman and the work we do 
• Practice problem solving in an interactive case study 
• Learn about career opportunities at Oliver Wyman 
• Network with our team – Partners, Managers, Consultants 


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